Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't fuck with my kid!

You want a sure way to get on my bad side, fuck with my kid! I fuckin' dare you!! Because I may be a compassionate person that is mistaken for a pushover. I may take a lot of shit from you in hopes of not making you feel bad by standing up to you. I may try to analyze your actions and why you do the things you do. I have a steady desire to learn about you. To form a friendship with you. Meaningful bonds give me hope. Make me feel a closeness with others that makes me experience happiness. I'll quiet my worries to listen to yours...over and over. I'll put my own emotions on the back burner to tend to yours. It's what I do. I have more interest in you. I'm more concerned for you. Then myself. I have more confidence in you then I ever will in me. I'll give you everything I have, even if I don't have enough. I'll take you in. Help you out. Go out of my way to house you and help make your life more convenient and meaningful. That gives me great pleasure.

But if you...for one fuckin' second think that means you can disrespect my child, you are the most ignorant kind of stupid! If you display one tiny spec of rudeness to my son...I PROMISE that you will regret it. If you have a helping hand to offer in his care and well being, it will be the only time I'm not too proud to accept your offer. But don't confuse that for me being okay with you parenting him. That's not your job. You are an adult, yes. And it's the friendly thing to do to intervene if his safety is at risk. And it's helpful if you decide to help yourself to assisting in his care when I am doing ten things at once and not juggling them with ease. That doesn't mean that you are better then me. Doesn't mean that you WOULD be a better parent. Because whether or not you have your own children, he is my child! And I have been the soul provider for him for the entire duration of his life! I will continue to do so until one of us dies. For many many years. Every single day is devoted to him. Every second is spent looking out for him and making sure he has what he needs, and hopefully what he wants to a healthy extent. So because you stepped in seeming to be nice for thirty minutes, don't rub it in my face. Because I'M mom!  And I don't need your help!! I've done just fine without it.

I'm up early with him every day while you sleep in. I cook all of his meals and manage what he eats to ensure that his nutritional needs are met. I change him multiple times a day to make him more comfortable, and prevent him from getting diaper rash. I dress him. Bathe him. Teach him how to be a productive, respectful person. I have every aspect of his life in my thoughts from sun up to sun down. And you...you know nothing about him. Your interest will fade. Though I do hope that you have your own child in time, to prove that it's much harder then you think. To challenge every bit of your patience. Sadly, I know that you couldn't handle it today. Because you can't even take care of yourself. That truly is sad. Perhaps a child to care for, would motivate you, like it did me. You think that I don't know what you're going through. But you don't take the time to listen to my stories. They're worse then yours. They're close to yours. Don't judge me! And don't belittle me please! I will bite my tongue when you do.

However, I will NOT tolerate your rude disposition towards my child! Not even briefly. I won't give you the opportunity to think that it's acceptable. By no means is it! And here I go analyzing...and putting myself in your shoes. I know that a toddler is stressful. That he interrupts what you're doing. I know that he's loud sometimes, and buggy sometimes. I know that he seems to want your attention at the most inopportune times. But that's what he does. That's him expressing his emotions, and communicating the only way he can. That's him trying, the only way he knows how, to get his own needs met. If you are annoyed with him, then leave! Don't tell him to go away! It's his god damn house! You are a guest here! And should remember that, and display manners. Because I shouldn't have to be a bitch to get you to be respectful. I don't want to confront you. But I will! You will feel my anger and you will fear my response. DON'T FUCK WITH MY KID!

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